Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

prostata ♂

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Top level systema genitale masculinum ♂ Short Extended
Level 2 organa genitalia masculina interna ♂ Short Extended
Current level prostata ♂
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
9600 3332 tax
prostata ♂
prostate ♂
19595 3333 tax
basis prostatae ♂
base of prostate ♂ ; base of prostate gland ♂
45701 3334 tax
pars proximalis prostatae ♂
proximal part of prostate ♂
45702 3336 tax
pars distalis prostatae ♂
distal part of prostate ♂
19594 3337 tax
apex prostatae ♂
apex of prostate ♂ ; apex of prostate gland ♂
19591 3338 tax
facies anterior prostatae ♂
anterior surface of prostate ♂
19592 3339 tax
facies posterior prostatae ♂
posterior surface of prostate ♂
19596 3340 tax
facies lateralis prostatae (par) ♂
lateral surface of prostate (pair) ♂
16453 tax
facies posterolateralis prostatae (par) ♂
posterolateral surface of prostate (pair) ♂
16454 tax
pars lateralis prostatae (par) ♂
lateral part of prostate (pair) ♂
3341 tax
lobi prostatae ♂
lobes of prostate ♂
45706 3342 tax
lobulus inferoposterior prostatae (par) ♂
inferoposterior lobule of prostate (pair) ♂
66395 3343 tax
lobulus inferolateralis prostatae (par) ♂
inferolateral lobule of prostate (pair) ♂
66396 3344 tax
lobulus superomedialis prostatae (par) ♂
superomedial lobule of prostate (pair) ♂
66397 3345 tax
lobulus anteromedialis prostatae (par) ♂
anteromedial lobule of prostate (pair) ♂
45701 3346 tax
(lobus medius prostatae ♂ )
(middle lobe of prostate ♂ )
74116 16449 tax
zonae prostatae ♂
zones of prostate ♂
45717 3335 tax
zona centralis prostatae ♂ ; pars glandularis periurethralis prostatae ♂
central zone of prostate ♂ ; periurethral glandular part of prostate ♂
45721 16450 tax
zona transitionalis prostatae ♂ ; pars transitionalis prostatae ♂
transitional zone of prostate ♂ ; transitional part of prostate ♂
19587 16451 tax
zona peripherica prostatae ♂ ; pars peripheralis prostatae ♂
peripheral zone of prostate ♂ ; peripheral part of prostate ♂
16452 tax
stroma fibromusculare prostatae ♂ ; zona fibromuscularis anterior prostatae ♂
fibromuscular stroma of prostate ♂ ; anterior fibromuscular part of prostate ♂
19574 3347 tax
isthmus prostatae ♂ ; commissura prostatae ♂
isthmus of prostate ♂ ; commissure of prostate ♂
19583 3348 tax
capsula prostatica ♂ ; capsula prostatae ♂
prostatic capsule ♂
19137 16455 tax
fascia prostatica ♂ ; fascia prostatae ♂
prostatic fascia ♂
32419 16456 tax
fasciculus neurovascularis prostatae ♂
prostatic neurovascular bundle ♂
302735 16457 tax
fascia prostatoseminalis ♂ ; fascia prostatoseminovesicularis ♂
prostatoseminal fascia ♂ ; prostatoseminal vesicular fascia ♂
45732 3349 tax
parenchyma prostatae ♂
parenchyma of prostate ♂
19580 3350 tax
ductuli prostatici ♂
prostatic ductules ♂
74245 3351 tax
substantia muscularis prostatae ♂
muscular tissue of prostate ♂
77301 3352
area trapezoidea prostatae ♂
trapezoid area of prostate ♂
77253 1954 tax
musculus puboprostaticus ♂ ; musculus levator prostatae ♂
puboprostatic muscle ♂ ; puboprostaticus muscle ♂; levator prostatae muscle ♂
68051 3131 tax
musculus vesicoprostaticus ♂
vesicoprostaticus muscle ♂; vesicoprostaticus ♂
32 lines
90.6 %
78.1 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Dorschner et al. (2001 Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol 159) has not found a morphological substate for such a muscle.
Traditionally, the prostate is divided into lobes andlobules. The combined inferoposterior and inferolateral lobules, the superomedial lobules and the anteromedial lobules correspond to the histological entities of McNeal (1988 Am J Surg Pathol 12:619-633), and widely called after his usage, peripheral, central and transition zones, respectively (see also Myers et al. 2010 Clin Anat 23:18-29).
See note # 3332
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 3332
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 45
Number of children 45 (validated)
Proper units 32
Number of units 32 (validated)
Signature 15462 (validated since 27.6.2024)
Date: 27.06.2024